Sunday, August 21, 2011

There are beaches on the east coast???

So I went to the beach for pretty much the first time in New England about a week ago.  Coming from Hawaii, I realized I've been a beach snob and avoiding the east coast beaches as to avoid "inevitable disappointment."  Surprisingly though, I really enjoyed myself!  We ventured out to the beaches of Newburyport - a barrier island in eastern Mass.  The day started off with a scenic hike through marshlands and beach dunes - things you'd be hard pressed to find around a beach on Oahu.  A couple cute ducks, a shit load of tiny birds, trying to infect myself with poison ivy, and some weird looking berries later, we headed to the main event - THE BEACH!  Woot.  Long story short, I was pleasantly surprised.  The sand was really nice, the water was frigid as hell but nice nonetheless, and the weather was awesome.  Now if only I could find some waves to chase...  oh wells.  Till next time... brah.