Friday, July 29, 2011

"This one's for you and me, living out our dreams, we're all right where we should be"

Oh hi.  This is my first blog post so.. no making fun of me.

There are certain friends I have who despite not seeing or talking to for months or even years at a time, I can instantly feel comfortable with.  I told this to one of these individuals once and they were all like "wtf??"  I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember me saying this.

Thinking about it now, I guess this does seem somewhat counterintuitive..  If I've let these friends get so close to me, why wouldn't I care enough to keep in touch with them?  That's a damn good question..

Anyhow, I recently visited home in Hawaii and got the chance to hang out with a lot of these people.  23 is an awkward age.  Ambitious, brilliant, quirky, humble, sleep-deprived - are all words you could use to describe my friends.  I wonder how sleep deprivation correlates with these other traits..

It amazes me every time I'm home how little some of my friends have changed and how drastically others have.  I find myself enamored by the new dreams of these kids I grew up with and the bold decisions we're all beginning to make.   But as we each set our own path and begin to take root, the common denominator among us is our genuine wish, our desire to see each other find happiness.  Call it commonplace, but these bonds really are a source of inspiration and strength for me as I write my own story here in Boston and who knows where else after this.

So seriously.. "This one's for you and me, living out our dreams, we're all right where we should be."

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